14 Ocak 2010

Top 10 Business Ideas for 2010

According to Springwise, below smart ideas covered in 2009 will provide entrepreneurs with plenty of opportunities in 2010. 

2, 8, and 9 are my favorites on this list. For a full review of each idea, please follow this link;  TOP10.

What are your favorites? 

1. Small-scale food production using membership models 
2. Low impact advertising
3. Health tracking devices
4. Sample stores, cafes & vending machines
5. Discreet rooftop solar panels and wind turbines
6. Rotating retail at airports and in malls
7. Remote farming for consumers
8. Connecting creative consumers with local fabricators
9. Paying consumers to promote products they use and love
10. Single-use toilet bag turns human waste into fertilizer 

13 Ocak 2010

Cenk Uygur Sets Out to Take Down Traditional TV

Check this out! (but don't panic, it is from Dec'09) A young Turk, Cenk Uygur, and his rebel band are out to take down traditional television, with a hand from YouTube, satellite radio, and 500,000 fans. 

For a full story, visit FastCompany... here is the link! You may check his blog as well for the latest views and comments... Enjoy it!

11 Ocak 2010

Corporate Design & Marketing for New Setups

They promote the system by "With FreshlyBranded, you can access millions of professional and amateur designers, writers, and marketers from all of the world. All for as little as $99" slogan. Looks like gray as their logo on the right... however, when you dig their site and read about how it works section, you get the idea. If you are a new setup or family company looking for a nice design and some ideas to do marketing, have a visit to FreshlyBranded.

09 Ocak 2010

Tryvertising 2009

I have mentioned it in 2006 and wrote as "It is a new concept in marketing, and I wonder where it will end up?" (At that time, the blog was in Turkish!) http://borgadincler.blogspot.com/2006/03/tryvertising.html